Herald on Sunday




1. Discuss vent at outbreak of chorea (2,6,5)

9. Neighbour of 8 wearing no shift? (9)

10. Couple from Guernsey take Italy, Germany and Spain Baedeker (5)

11. Turn one out East with half a London terminus (5)

12. However, the most foolish? (9)

13. Tires out one’s former spouse, seeing us surrounded by millinery (8)

15. Almost the Black, it might be, the Sea (6)

18. Was confusing article that might bind one round (6)

20. Tortoises and turtles once turned out with hail (8)

23. Not long cooked nude? No – red and upset! (9)

24. More than enough to help man make comeback in part (5)

25. Table-turning may make one sound sheepish (5)

26. It orbits a Swiss folk-hero in place builders are at work (9)

27. Drops in solid form one drops off having taken? (8-5)


1. Unconsciou­s, seeing neither rhyme nor reason in it (9)

2. A coat will no longer be visible when king is in it (7)

3. Small pipe for bird, very small in the race (5)

4. In which people cook with expertness and French sulphur (8)

5. With which one says one didn’t lie, and compounded it! (6)

6. Some old dressing-gown used after dark, going by train? (5-4)

7. Favouring government by chosen few in Israel, it is thought (7)

8. Veg next door to 9? (5)

14. Torch-girl can be sorted out by her trustee not being right (9)

16. Stop not so long? Doesn’t stop at all! (9)

17. Intimidate one suffering heartbreak in Ten (8)

19. Speak to an audience where one lives (7)

21. Concerned with marriage, lit up an altered form (7)

22. An even chance of there being some flipping result? (4-2)

23. There’s no top to pagri – not in the country (5)

24. Nobody on the ground when it’s finished? (3,2)

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