Homestyle New Zealand


Hairdresse­r, makeup artist and stylist Melle van Sambeek

- Do you have any advice on choosing paint colours? Get in an expert. Even though as a

Melle, what do you think is the best way to

approach a new interior? Slowly. I think if you want a house full of interestin­g pieces, it takes time. It’s not a matter of going shopping on a Saturday and coming home with a whole new look. It’s taken me a while to gather the collection of curios that gives our house personalit­y.

How would you describe your decorating style?

The bones stay the same, but I often add new pieces. You can instantly change a room with a good cushion, and I have an extensive duvet collection for the same reason. It’s a bit like building up a wardrobe: you have classic pieces that you keep forever, then you add accessorie­s. makeup artist I work with colour all the time, I underestim­ated how difficult it would be to choose the perfect shade of grey. A paint colour specialist will save you time, money and angst.

What advice would you give to those who are

considerin­g a bathroom renovation? Always go on recommenda­tions when looking for good tradies – they are gold. Keep your eye on the ball: when aesthetics are important, I’d advise watching your tradies every step of the way, even if it means being a pain. And if you’re unhappy about something, speak up before it’s too late – you don’t want to have to live with something that’ll bug you forever.

Also, if you can stick to the layout you already have, you’ll save big bucks. We moved all our plumbing around, which was a costly exercise.

What do you love most about your home? Its seclusion and how it feels like we live in a treehouse. The big windows make it light and airy, and being able to watch the sea and view change daily is a treat.

 ??  ?? CLOC CLOCKWISEI­SE FROM TOP LEFT GlamoramaG­l cushion,hi $180, midcentury­ Camilla bowl, $50, myexhibiti­ Green artwork by Louise McRae, $450, seedgaller­ Sweetheart potted plant, $106, plantandpo­ Peony photograph­ic print by...
CLOC CLOCKWISEI­SE FROM TOP LEFT GlamoramaG­l cushion,hi $180, midcentury­ Camilla bowl, $50, myexhibiti­ Green artwork by Louise McRae, $450, seedgaller­ Sweetheart potted plant, $106, plantandpo­ Peony photograph­ic print by...

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