Horowhenua Chronicle

Chance to appeal property valuations

Some property improvemen­ts may not be included


The total value of property around Horowhenua has increased by 52.8 per cent since 2019, newly released rating revaluatio­n from Quotable Value show.

Property owners will be notified of their latest valuations, used for rating purposes, in the next few weeks.

But there is no need to panic yet as an increase in your property value may not mean you pay more in rates. It also does not mean council will pocket more money.

Any rates increase is determined by your property value increase compared with the average increase across the district.

Horowhenua District Council’s group manager organisati­on performanc­e Jacinta Straker said often revaluatio­ns cause anxiety for property owners as they are worried it will increase their rates.

“People often think that an increase or decrease in valuation will automatica­lly result in an increase or decrease in rates. Many people also

People often think that an increase or decrease in valuation will automatica­lly result in an increase or decrease in rates. Many people also think that an increase in the district’s values will mean that council gets more money. These are all misconcept­ions.

think that an increase in the district’s values will mean that council gets more money. These are all misconcept­ions,” she said. “If your property has increased by more than the average, you may pay more than the average rates increase for the 2023/24 year.

“We’ll be looking carefully at the impact of the revaluatio­ns on rates and affordabil­ity across our district as part of our rating review, which is currently under way. This work will be completed before July next year, when rates will start to be based on the new valuations.

“Any proposed changes to how we spread rates costs across the district will be shared with the community for their feedback early in the new year, along with our amendment to the 2021-41 Long Term Plan (LTP) for 2023-24.”

Council rates are a property tax. At least once every three years every district and city is reassessed to set the property values on which rates are based for the following three

Jacinta Straker, Horowhenua District Council’s Group Manager Organisati­on Performanc­e


Horowhenua District’s revaluatio­n has been undertaken by Quotable Value and property owners will start to receive their valuation notices in the post from December 14. .

For more informatio­n on rating values in the Horowhenua District and how to lodge an objection visit horowhenua.govt.nz/ revaluatio­ns

 ?? Photo / 123RF ?? New valuation notices are due soon.
Photo / 123RF New valuation notices are due soon.

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