Kapi-Mana News

Thirsty Liquor store concerns to be heard


The concerns of residents over the the Thirsty Liquor store in Fantame St will finally be heard next week as the Liquor Licensing Authority hearing re-commences.

The hearing into the store’s liquor licence renewal was adjourned last November when it was revealed owner Chiman Patel was running his grocery and alcohol operations as one business. It is illegal to do so under the Sale of Liquor Act.

The hearing reconvenes at 10am on May 2 at Porirua District Court. Objector Matt Crawshaw, who is on Russell School’s board of trustees, says it has been a long wait but they are looking forward to getting their views across.

‘‘It’s been six months, so we have to start all over again, bring all the troops together and make sure that the awareness is out there.’’

Mr Crawshaw says they have nothing against alcohol in principle, just the location, late hours of operation and aggressive advertisin­g of Thirsty Liquor, opposite the school. Residents and staff from the school frequently complain of broken glass, graffiti and drunks.

‘‘We’d love the shop to be moved away, to somewhere near the city centre, not in the suburbs but we are being realistic with our goals.’’

There will be a walk of support to the court house next Wednesday, with people coming together at 9.30am under the canopies.

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