Kapi-Mana News

Librarian award nomination exciting

Book illustrati­on her first


Two locally- produced children’s books have been recognised for their illustrati­ons in the LIANZA awards, which are voted on by librarians throughout New Zealand.

Fantail’s Quilt, illustrate­d by Titahi Bay’s Margaret Tolland and written by Pukerua Bay’s Gay Hay, is a nominee for the Russell Clark illustrati­on award, alongside Marmaduke Duck and Bernadette Bear by Titahi Bay’s Juliette MacIver, which was illustrate­d by Sydney-based Kiwi Sarah Davis.

Ms Tolland, who works in public education for Pataka, said the award was a real recognitio­n of her work.

‘‘Oh my gosh, it was so exciting. It’s really cool, we’re really chuffed because it’s the librarians having their say,’’ she said.

Ms Tolland studied painting at Otago Polytechni­c and worked for many years as a high school art teacher. She met Ms Hay through an art class she runs at Pataka, and soon Ms Hay asked her to collaborat­e on what became Fantail’s Quilt.

‘‘I just went ‘sure, I’ll have a go’,’’ she says. ‘‘For both of us it was a huge learning curve.’’

The illustrati­ons are a rich, detailed impression of New Zealand’s bush and bird life, created in pencil and gouache.

‘‘I love detail so this whole project was fantastic,’’ Ms Tolland says. ‘‘It was just a pleasure to do, I just enjoyed every moment of it.’’

The illustrati­ons were the work of four months. Ms Tolland devoted four hours a day to the project.

Of the 2000 copies printed, 1500 have sold, many to women sending the books to their overseas-based grandchild­ren. Being nominated for a LIANZA should boost sales and te reo and e-book versions are planned.

Ms Tolland has planned two more books with Ms Hay, one about New Zealand’s giant native powellipha­nta snail and the other about geckos.

Marmaduke Duck author Juliette MacIver paid tribute to her illustrato­r Sarah Davis, who she hopes will fly to Wellington for the LIANZA awards ceremony on August 6.

 ??  ?? Picture perfect: Titahi Bay woman Margaret Tolland has been nominated for a librarians’ award for her debut book Fantail’s Quilt.
Picture perfect: Titahi Bay woman Margaret Tolland has been nominated for a librarians’ award for her debut book Fantail’s Quilt.
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