Kapi-Mana News

Being taxed at 11



Message from a paper boy to Mr English and Mr Key.

I am an 11-year-old paper boy who will soon be taxed for the small amount of money I earn each week because I cannot vote and you need all the money you can get to make you guys look good in Parliament.

Now I know why the political parties have colours. It’s because it helps us kids to remember what party not to vote for when we can. I think it is mean what you are doing when I work so hard to earn my money and you are taking it away from me.

DYLAN REES, Whitby. deeply valued community facility since it opened in 1971, following considerab­le lobbying, to replace the private lending library that had been operating since 1948. Our library is well-used and loved, with many Pukerua Bay children growing their love of books and learning in the cosy and inviting space.

We understand the council’s financial constraint­s. But it is difficult to imagine that closing a library that opens for just nine hours per week would be any great saving. Those nine hours make the library accessible to all residents, whatever their age, occupation or mobility.

We agree with you and Titahi Bay resident Melanie Fisher (Letters, May 29) that libraries are a core service. We dispute Mayor Nick Leggett’s contention that the closure of our library is mitigated for us by access to the Whitby library. Pukerua Bay people would go all the way to the main library in town, especially if they took the train.

The other point made in last week’s paper was that we’re a small community, so closure won’t affect many people. That reasoning is a real worry. Like all of Porirua’s villages, we have distinct characteri­stics that mean we have different needs. In our case, our geographic­al position limits our access to shared community facilities.

Historical­ly, libraries have played an important role in the evolution of communitie­s. Decisions to close them must not be opportunis­tic ones to make some quick savings. PCC should do a proper consultati­ve review and not ambush communitie­s with snap decisions. IAIN MacLEAN, Pukerua Bay Residents

Associatio­n chairman.

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