Kapi-Mana News

Contest glory for bowlers


Fifty competitiv­e tenpin bowlers – all with intellectu­al disabiliti­es – competed at Kenepuru’s Strike bowling alley in late May.

Mana’s Special Olympics branch hosted about 40 sports men and women from Hawke’s Bay, the Manawatu, the Hutt Valley and Wellington for a two- day bowling regional ribbon event on May 26 and 27.

Special Olympics is a nationwide movement encouragin­g intellectu­ally disabled adults and children to learn and compete in sports.

Its motto is ‘‘all sports for all abilities’’.

Nine local athletes competed in the bowling competitio­n, and came away with a clutch of first and second prize ribbons from the doubles and group sections.

After a hard day in the lanes on Saturday, the athletes gathered for a dinner and disco at Aotea Lodge.

‘‘They love it. It’s a huge social occasion,’’ Special Olympics committee member Tricia Wilson says.

Bowling is the only sport the club offers at the moment. Wilson would love the club to branch out into swimming and basketball, but it needs more members on board to do so, she says. Volunteers are also needed to help train the athletes and occasional­ly travel with them on weekend trips to compete.

‘‘It all relies on volunteers,’’ Wilson says.

About 10 bowlers train at Strike once a week, and compete with other clubs every couple of months.

The club will travel to Dunedin next year for the national Special Olympics, held once every four years.

For membership inquiries, contact Trish Wilson on 234 1585.

 ??  ?? Bowling buddies: Mana Special Olympics club tenpin bowlers Kirk McCarthy, Dane Muir and Travis Wilson competed against dozens of North Island counterpar­ts when they hosted a bowling tournament last month. The club wants to expand into swimming and...
Bowling buddies: Mana Special Olympics club tenpin bowlers Kirk McCarthy, Dane Muir and Travis Wilson competed against dozens of North Island counterpar­ts when they hosted a bowling tournament last month. The club wants to expand into swimming and...

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