Kapi-Mana News

Creative maths



We have all at sometime made a purchase without the knowledge of the better half, be it an iPhone, iPad, motorbike, shoes, handbag, or car.

If you find yourself being questioned as to the cost of this vital, must-have purchase, use the same maths as Porirua City Council.

For example, deduct from the actual total cost, any existing savings used. So if the motorbike costs $8000 and you have taken $5000 from the joint savings account, look them in the eye, and the answer is the bike cost $3000.

The city centre revitalisa­tion disclosed cost has repeatedly been stated as $18.8million, when to you and I, it is really $32.7m (actually more when you add the new council office building, plus previous and planned land and building purchases).


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