Kapi-Mana News

Not always the case



Mr Sutton, PCC’s manager of environmen­tal standards, claims the council insists on signs illegally erected by councillor­s being taken down [KMN, November 13].

History shows this is not always the case. A 3x6 metre election sign erected by Cr Kelly on Aotea land for the 2010 local body elections breached the District Plan, and was not exempt from complying with section 9 of the RMA because the exemption only applies to signs less than three metres in area. Cr Kelly breached that limit by 600 per cent.

At the time I made Mr Sutton and his colleague Adrian Ramage (manager of resource consents) fully aware of the correct statutory interpreta­tion, which they ignored.

Council staff undertook no action to remove the sign.

I can only guess why council staff chose to take no action challengin­g an incumbent councillor.

Economic faith seems to have been disconnect­ed from political action he states, in other words the government should employ them and the corollary to that would be to print the money to pay them as advocated by the Greens and their ilk, but all this type of socialist mismanagem­ent could only lead to bankruptcy and economic chaos.

The real solution is to find workers to fill jobs not the reverse action. However, with estimates that claim 20 per cent of children leave school without passing the basic requiremen­ts of literacy and numeracy is there any wonder that 7 per cent are unemployed.

Then he comes to the question of who is best suited to control America, the Republican­s or the Democrats for their economic skills, and goes on to applaud Obama, but surely America is in a worse position today than it was four years ago with over 8 per cent jobless as a result. The only persons qualified to run a business are those experience­d in running a business, not the armchair scientist types who imagine they understand the principles of all sciences, but in fact are not able to run anything and it occurs to me that Gordon Campbell is just one of those. Capital & Coast DHB responded to Dr Kieboom’s column last week, claiming there is yet to be a proposal on cutting the afterhours and service and replacing it with paramedics, it is at the ‘‘concept’’ stage – Editor.

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