Kapi-Mana News

Different species of seagull


I was most disappoint­ed by the inaccuracy and sensationa­lism of your front page article on seagulls (October ).

Your photo shows a red-billed gull, (a protected New Zealand native seabird), not the blackbacke­d gull referred to as making a mess of buildings.

Red-billed gulls are always pristine and white in their usual surroundin­gs. They do not fly around looking like a sheep with dags, as your photo tries to depict.

You could be responsibl­e for hoons shooting at these protected red-billed gulls in error. only starts at the intersecti­on.

Vehicles coming down from Aotea need to change lanes if they want to occupy the right-hand lane, and a lane change should be accompanie­d by at least three seconds of previous indication, and even then be subject to the lane being clear.

All too often Papakowhai Rd vehicles wait until there is nothing coming down the hill so they can swing across both lanes. This is a major source of the congestion. outer lanes that turning traffic and buses use but, and here’s the really special bit, they can also be used straight through by the overachiev­ers and boy racers in your community! Believe me, you will marvel at the way your ‘‘special’’ drivers force their way back into the traffic flow.

We also added bus stops on those lanes for added excitement, but whatever you decide on, don’t get talked into a sensible roundabout – way too efficient and boring. also notice it when constructi­on work crosses their path, no doubt.

Mountain bikers, hikers and lovers of the outdoors from Porirua can say goodbye to getting around Belmont Regional Park, because the only two tracks from Porirua City will be blocked for up to four years, it’s said.

So, all of you, young or old, better come and see Belmont’s great views this summer – it will be your last chance for some time!

As for constructi­on damage, be comforted Porirua Harbour fans – the rules say 70 per cent capture of all the sediment disturbed, is compulsory. So only 20 to 30 per cent of the cut-and-fill work will get into the streams that drain into the two inlets.

Most of it won’t reach the harbour for 10 years or more, so you may be too old to go sailing by then anyway.

Perhaps Kapi-Mana News will provide some good investigat­ive reporting to bring us all up to date

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