Kapi-Mana News

Nepal visit strikes chord with guitarist

Teen sings out for bus help


A Tawa student is combining his love of music and helping people to raise money for a hospital bus in Nepal.

Peter Sim, 18, is one of seven youth advocates for the Leprosy Mission.

Earlier this year he visited one of the poorest leprosy- affected areas of Nepal.

‘‘It was incredible. There were so many different stories. The natural reaction is to be thankful for what you have. It made it real personal for me and motivates me,’’ Sim said.

While there, the team noticed a need for a hospital transit bus and decided to raise the funds for one.

He said a new bus would allow for more medical centres.

A guitarist, Sim decided to hold a concert with his band, Until Autumn, to raise some of the $25,000 needed for the bus.

The Leprosy Mission New Zealand works with poverty stricken areas of the world to cure, care for and restore people affected by leprosy, with a vision to put an end to the affliction in our lifetime.

The concert will take place at Tawa Baptist Church hall this Saturday at 7pm. Door sales are $5 and food and drink will be available for purchase.

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