Kapi-Mana News

Disadvanta­ged tenants


I refer to the front page story (October 7) ‘‘Creek housing crisis’’.

Vulnerable members of the Porirua community clearly need assistance and informatio­n, yet Kapi-Mana News instead broadcast to its readership disinforma­tion and incorrect legal advice sanctioned by a city councillor taking advantage of a photo opportunit­y.

Apparently, councillor Murrell’s Real Estate Institute of New Zealand membership and recreation­al driving trips around numerous Creek properties qualify him to issue legal advice to those properties affected by rotting windows, rusty water running down the sides, and a plywood-covered hole in the outer wall: ‘‘There is no requiremen­t [that landlords] have to do anything.’’

Murrell’s words serve only to disempower community members and discourage them from seeking correct advice from qualified profession­als.

Kapi-Mana News owed it to these individual­s to take some initiative to publish informatio­n for ‘‘the worst suffers [who are] immigrants moving to Porirua and not knowing their rights’’.

Here are two free resources Kapi-Mana could have noted:

The Whiteria Community Law

Editor’s note: We ran a legal column dealing with the Tenancy Tribunal on Sept 23. A column on tenants’ rights will run shortly.

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