Kapi-Mana News

Home is where all the cats are


Feline fine: Vikki Skinner manages dozens of cats and that’s not even her full time job.

A love of the cats nobody wants prompted Vikki Skinner to open a sanctuary.

Skinner and her partner run Outpawed, refuge for wild and unwanted felines based in Whitby.

The pair have just embarked on a mission to trap and desex wild colonies in Horowhenua in an effort to stop the cats breeding.

Skinner chatted to Kapi-Mana News about her life, her love and what she’d likely take to onto desert island.

What do you do for a job?

I ama radiopharm­aceutical chemist and work as the production team leader for a company in Wellington. My team produces radiotrace­rs used in the diagnosis of cancer and other diseases.

What’s the best part of your job?

I really enjoy the early morning production shifts with my colleagues. Being up in the middle of the night, producing a drug that you hope will make a difference for someone. Not to mention the interestin­g stories and jokes that come out at 3am.

What’s the worst?

When something non-routine happens and we end up with a pile of paperwork to finish at 6am.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I ama black belt in Kyokushink­ai karate. I have been training since I was 9.

How do you relax?

I read and play video games. There isn’t a lot of time for that at the moment.

Where can we find you in the weekends?

Either at home cleaning up after the cats or out trapping feral/stray cats. I really could be just about anywhere.

Do you have any special talents?

Not particular­ly. I used to be a pretty good clarinetti­st.

If you could invite three people to dinner - living or dead - who would they be and why?

I would invite Sir Patrick Stewart, because we have to have an actor and he has got to be my favourite. I would invite Marie Curie. I’d just love to talk to her about the progress that we have made in radiochemi­stry since her time.

Finally, I would invite cartoonist Stan Lee so we could talk about his work. Of course he would have to bring comics instead of wine.

Favourite place in Porirua?

Does home count? I love the atmosphere and peace in Whitby, and home is where the cats are.

If you could have one super power what would it be? Why?

I would have teleport - the wormhole kind, not the phase kind. I’d rather not accidental­ly kill myself by phasing into a solid object. It would really save me a lot of time travelling to work and transporti­ng cats everywhere.

What scares you?

Losing my fur-babies. Just thinking about it terrifies me. I’m also afraid of heights and spiders.

Who would play you in the movie about your life?

Emmy Rossum.

What was your highlight of 2016?

I got married in November. Starting Outpawed was a close second.

What three things would you take if you were going to be stranded on a desert island?

I’d take a book, a knife and a roll of duct tape.

 ?? PHOTO: VIRGINIA FALLON/FAIRFAX NZ ?? Vikki Skinner rescues unwanted cats in Porirua and Wellington.
PHOTO: VIRGINIA FALLON/FAIRFAX NZ Vikki Skinner rescues unwanted cats in Porirua and Wellington.

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