Kapiti Observer

Burglars target Waikanae


Burglaries in Waikanae have quadrupled in the last month, as part of a region-wide wave of opportunis­t break-ins.

A dozen burglaries were reported in Waikanae and Waikanae Beach during the month to July 22, up from the average of three or four, police said.

The latest incident was just after 8am on Friday, when a Bohanna Motors employee’s car window was broken, and a radar detector and watch stolen.

Co-owner Martin Bohanna said another employee spotted the damage about 9am.

‘‘It was parked in broad daylight on the forecourt ... we haven’t got any images of them. It was parked in the wrong spot.’’

On Tuesday, Wellington district pre- vention manager inspector Scott Cooper said there had been 96 reported car break-ins in the Wellington region since the start of April. About a third of those were in the Kapiti-Mana area.

Most involved ‘‘trade profession­al’’ type vehicles such as utes, 4x4s, and small-medium sized vans.

Between May 1 and July 15, 49 cases where mainly tools had been stolen had been reported, he said.

The cases involved both homes and commercial building sites.

Friday’s incident was the third for Bohanna Motors in three months. In May a burglar broke a wire mesh window on the workshop door, but did not gain access to the premises.

‘‘The door between the workshop and the showroom stopped them.’’ Bohanna said. ’’The alarm went off and they chickened out pretty much.’’

There was also an attempted break-in in mid-June. ’’They’ve broken windows but haven’t got in.’’

Homeowners have been hit too. Chris Calvi-Freeman said his Field Way property was burgled on the night of June 7, or the morning of June 8.

Access was gained to the property’s central courtyard, but not the house. A barbecue and two gas bottles were taken.

His neighbour’s property was burgled soon after, with a telescope, kayak and other sports equipment taken.

Kapiti Mana Tactical Crime Unit detective sergeant Rebecca Cotton said much of the offending had been opportunis­tic. ’’Property left visible and on lawns or inside insecure garages are being targeted, as are unlocked vehicles.’’ Police have increased patrols.

 ??  ?? Burglary levels in Waikanae and Waikanae Beach have quadrupled the average in the last month.
Burglary levels in Waikanae and Waikanae Beach have quadrupled the average in the last month.

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