Lizard News

Shirley Sparks retires


Awee while ago, Shirley announced that she would be retiring from the committee, and the work she has been doing so ably for the Quarry Park. At age 90, I think Shirley has earned her retirement many times over.

More than 25 years have passed since Shirley and her family conceived the vision of what an old disused quarry could become. There followed three years of planning, frustratio­n, ear bashing, and struggle, before approval was finally obtained to commence work in the old quarry. In the years that followed, we have all witnessed the miracle that has been worked on the unforgivin­g landscape. And Shirley has always been there, inspiring us with her vision, thanking us for being there.

In the early days, the work was hard and a handy grubber was the tool of choice. Shirley and Jo even abseiled into precarious places as they discovered the terrain of the Park. Occasional­ly, Shirley would say “where shall we work today?” There were so many places we hadn’t even looked at. “Let’s explore over that way,” she would say. We’d have the joy of finding beautiful rocks, hidden gullies, forgotten paths.

Slowly, our beautiful park emerged from the neglected wilderness.

In later years, Shirley has been less involved in the physical work but instead took on looking after bookings for the Gallery, a task which has become a very big one.

As well as that major job, Shirley has kept the worm farm that she started at the Quarry, a job that you can’t put off or neglect. She has handed that one on to Shona.

Shirley has an incredible collection of hats and we have been privileged to see many of them. You seldom see Shirley without a hat!

With the hard work behind her, Shirley is looking forward to joining us at morning tea on Tuesdays. And we volunteers hope she will continue to do that for a long time yet.

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 ??  ?? Shirley busy at work at the worm farm.
Shirley busy at work at the worm farm.

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