Lizard News

More than just a copy shop

- Article supplied.

In October 2019, when Ronél Morgan decided to purchase Katikopy & Print, it seemed counter intuitive to invest in a print shop in the digital age. “With 20+ years market research experience, I was looking to purchase a small business that did not involve cooking or cleaning but will allow me to support local small businesses.”

Over the last 12 months the appetite for print amongst residents from Waihī to Ōmokoroa has pleasantly surprised, and the business has proven itself a necessary service to the community. Large format building plans, family photo collages, design and canvas printing make up most of the work produced, but there is an increasing interest in binding, booklets, invoice books, badges and stamps for businesses. Ronél particular­ly enjoys the production side of creating beautiful print artwork every day.

For the first three months, Ronél ran the shop solo to “really understand the nuts and bolts of what is involved”, but by February 2020 more help was needed. Fortunatel­y Ashley Donaldson was looking for a part time position. A familiar face to customers, having worked on-and-off at Katikopy & Print since 2015, Ashley brings design expertise to the mix through free-lance graphic design.

Katikopy & Print was slowly finding its feet post-lockdown, when Ronel’s spouse was diagnosed with Leukaemia mid-July. By chance, Luke Moynihan was available to step in three mornings per week. Luke, and his Siberian husky Sky, are a welcome addition to the team, bringing a hands-on solution design approach to the mix. With a keen eye for photograph­y, the large format printer has been Luke’s area of focus over the last couple of months as he learns the ropes. He also freelances as a drone photograph­er and several customers expressed interest to have their homesteads and properties video recorded for planning purposes.

The team at Katikopy & Print are thankful for continued support and patience as the shop is only open from 10am to 2.30pm weekdays till the end of 2020 to accommodat­e family commitment­s.

 ??  ?? Ronél, Ashley and Luke, with Sky. PHOTO: Supplied.
Ronél, Ashley and Luke, with Sky. PHOTO: Supplied.

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