Manawatu Standard

Loophole allows medicinal cannabis through customs

- Fairfax NZ

A wheelchair-bound American woman is claiming victory after bringing a bag of cannabis through customs at Auckland Airport.

Rebecca Reider said she happily showed off her haul of ‘‘several ounces’’ of medicinal marijuana.

The California­n-born Nelson resident said she was excited to be the first person to legally bring raw cannabis flower into New Zealand.

‘‘I’m the first person to possess marijuana in its natural form since the Misuse of Drugs Act was passed. It’s one small step on the road to a compassion­ate medical system here.

‘‘I’m going to keep fighting for everyone else to have access because I realise not everyone can hop on a plane overseas.’’

The cannabis flower and cannabis oil was prescribed to her by a doctor in Hawaii for her chronic pain, she said.

She hatched the plan months earlier and described it as a ‘‘relief’’ to get back through customs on Friday without incident.

A ‘‘loophole’’ in the law means anyone entering the country can lawfully carry with them a onemonth supply of medicinal cannabis or cannabis-related product, as long as it was legally prescribed by a medical practition­er overseas.

Reider said her next step was to set up a how-to guide for others going overseas to get prescripti­on cannabis.

‘‘We’ve got to keep fighting for a right to access it. Our ultimate goal is to make it legal and accessible right here on New Zealand soil for everyone who can benefit from it.’’

The head of the National Organisati­on for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (Norml) Chris Fowlie said the situation could help pave the way for more Kiwis to bring legal cannabis into the country.

‘‘This is the first time that someone has done it in an open upfront way,’’ he said.

‘‘I’m sure others have brought the cannabis with them . . . I think it was very brave of Rebecca. Good on her. And good on Customs for not being d..ks over it.’’

Associate Health Minster Peter Dunne said in March that it was ‘‘potentiall­y possible’’ for a person to bring into New Zealand a medicinal cannabis product prescribed overseas for their own use for a maximum of one month.

He said he had no intention to change that ‘‘loophole’’.

‘‘That has been in the law for over 40 years, and applies to all medicinal products, not just cannabis-related products.’’

Dunne said the importatio­n of raw cannabis was still prohibited.

Reider, 37, appeared in the Nelson District Court in March on charges including importing medicinal cannabis products but was cleared on all counts.

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