Manawatu Standard

We have a stash of eggs

What I make when . . .




Makes approx 20 little sandwiches or 4 regular sandwiches Preparatio­n: 10 minutes Cooking: 5 minutes 4 eggs 4 tablespoon­s thick Greek yoghurt (or mayonnaise)

1 teaspoons wholegrain mustard

1 tablespoon capers, roughly chopped

2 tablespoon­s red onion, very finely chopped

1 tablespoon chives (I used garlic from our garden), finely chopped

50g parmesan cheese, finely grated

cup walnuts, toasted, chopped 10 slices multigrain sourdough bread

Handful watercress to garnish (substitute with rocket)

Put the eggs into a small saucepan and cover with water.

Bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes before removing from the heat and running under cold water.

Peel the eggs and put into a small bowl.

Add the Greek yoghurt, and mash the eggs with a fork. Add the mustard, capers, red onion, chives, and cheese, season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, and mix well to combine.

Using a round cookie cutter, cut 2 rounds from each piece of bread. Keep the off-cuts to make breadcrumb­s with, or roughly chop and fry in olive oil to make croutons.

Butter the bread, and put a heaped teaspoon of the egg mixture on to each piece before scattering with walnuts and garnishing with watercress leaves.

Recipes, food styling and photograph­y by Emma Boyd

 ??  ?? Feta and spring onion scrambled eggs.
Feta and spring onion scrambled eggs.
 ??  ?? Egg, walnut and watercress sandwiches.
Egg, walnut and watercress sandwiches.
 ??  ??

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