Manawatu Standard



■ I am taking a calculated guess here, but I’m picking people employed in the city are parking in the CBD because of the free parking under level 2. Never been so hard to find a park. How stupid if true. Your jobs, more than ever, rely on paying customers.

■ Text on Saturday in response to AC, if you bothered to follow Iain Lees-galloway online you’ll find he’s been vocal during lockdown, including having his monthly politics and coffee online via Zoom.

■ The Plaza is packed with people and can’t be observing spacing regulation­s. Shut it down.

■ I’m afraid there is a glaring mistake in the article about the Barn Owl by James Baker on page 13 of Saturday’s paper, to wit, stating the distance the owls would have to fly to get to NZ from Australia as being 4163km. As a return trip, yes, one way, no. As the owl is found all over Australia conceivabl­y the distance can be seen as that which is the shortest, 1700-2000km. Rennat Editor responds: Well spotted. The online resource for the figure reported in the article measured the distance from the centre of each country. A coast-to-coast distance would have more suitable.

■ I agree with Nan, I too had my text abbreviate­d, Saturday, and on checking found 17 printed recently much longer than my original, of those seven with a Left-leaning political view.

■ Thank you, Steve Elers. A lone voice of truth raging against the Ardern propaganda machine.

■ So, Muller says thanks to Jacinda for guiding NZ through the greatest crisis in our history, but National will take over the recovery as we are the only ones that can do it.

Typical born-to-rule ideology.

■ We hear a lot about industries being ‘‘decimated’’. Do the people who tell us this know what decimate actually means? It means a reduction of 10 per cent. Editor responds: That’s the historical definition. It also means to kill, destroy, or remove a large proportion of something.

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