Manukau and Papakura Courier

Mural brightens platform


A South Auckland train station is looking better than ever thanks to a local school.

The colourful mural painted on the passenger shelter at Te Mahia station in Manurewa was designed and created by Manurewa Intermedia­te School pupils.

It was funded by the Manurewa Local Board and overseen by the Manukau Beautifica­tion Charitable Trust in partnershi­p with Auckland Transport, Kiwi- Rail and the


‘‘We love to see youth accomplish great things and gain positive recognitio­n for their sense of pride and responsibi­lity toward their environmen­t,’’ trust relationsh­ip manager Barbara Carney says.

Disability advocate and local board candidate in the upcoming Auckland Council elections Ezekiel Robson collected 1500 signatures for a petition as part of a campaign to keep the station Department of open in 2013 after it was threatened with closure.

He says its recent patronage figures are positive according to data on Transportb­

The number of people boarding trains at the station in the past 12 months has increased by 6125, Robson says.

Local board chairwoman Angela Dalton says the commitment to a ‘‘beautiful Manurewa through partnershi­ps and friendship­s is exactly what strengthen­s us as a community’’.

 ??  ?? From left, Manukau Beautifica­tion Charitable Trust staff Lincoln Jefferson and Barbara Carney with Ezekiel Robson in front of the station’s new mural.
From left, Manukau Beautifica­tion Charitable Trust staff Lincoln Jefferson and Barbara Carney with Ezekiel Robson in front of the station’s new mural.

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