Manukau and Papakura Courier

‘We need positivity’

Mele Tapueluelu is from Mangere East. The 18-year-old student is hoping to bring positive messages to the South.


What do you like best about South Auckland?

I love south Auckland’s vibe and diversity. People from different cultures and background­s come together here.

How long have you lived here and where are you originally from?

I was born and brought up here. Mangere is where I have lived my whole life.

What do you like least and how can we fix it?

I don’t like the constant negative attention that south Auckland gets.

What we need to do is send and receive more positive messages in our community. That can be achieved by doing good in our neighbourh­ood.

I think we need to be a little more human to one another.

Where’s the best place to buy dinner in the South?

I will say Li’l Abner’s in Papatoetoe. I’ve been going there for a long time.

They serve burgers, kebabs and chips.

And who does the best fish n’ chips?

It has to be Toby’s in Otara.

Who is the Kiwi you admire most - and why?

I can’t think of one right now. I don’t think I have a role model ... well, not as yet.

If I were Auckland’s mayor I’d...

Be sure to give everyone the right to the basic necessitie­s of shelter, food and water.

When I’ve got a free few hours I like to...

I usually sleep, eat or watch TV.

Sometimes, I spend my time surfing through different social media.

I also love to dance every now and then. Whenever I get the chance I listen to music.

The spot in South Auckland I’d recommend to tourists is...

Mangere mountain. It has an amazing view. It’s the place to go for a good jog or run.

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