Marlborough Express

Street name change a ‘hot potato’


Battle lines are being drawn in a stoush over changing the name of Blenheim’s Sinclair St to Grove Rd.

The stalemate continues after councillor­s at Tuesday’s assets and services committee failed to reach a consensus on the issue that has dragged on for three years.

One councillor said if people could not find Grove Rd, they should use GPS.

Thirteen frustrated businesses want Sinclair St, between the Main St roundabout and Auckland St, to officially become known as Grove Rd, in line with public thinking.

Phil Welch, who proposed the name change, said in turn the short section of Grove Rd in front of the Waterfront Bar and Grill could become a continuati­on of Leeds Quay.

In homage to James Sinclair, Blenheim’s founding businessma­n, who Sinclair St was named after, the skate park, car park, i-Site and Boathouse Theatre area could become Sinclair Park and the i-Site could become Sinclair House.

Councillor Jamie Arbuckle said changing the name of Sinclair St was a ‘‘hot potato’’.

The only part of Grove Rd that bothered him was the ‘‘dog leg’’, which ran in front of the Waterfront Bar and Grill.

‘‘I have tried to find businesses and don’t know where I am.’’

Councillor­s Graeme Barsanti and Jenny Andrews supported the status quo.

GPS worked wonders if people struggled to find where Grove Rd was, Andrews said. Changing the name of Sinclair St to Grove Rd would dilute its history, she said.

A recommenda­tion to change the street name and a separate recommenda­tion to keep the status quo both failed to get consensus.

The debate has been left on the table for full council to decide.

Blenheim’s Grove Rd was initially a single drive through but the road realignmen­t divided it into two parts, with part of the road dividing off into a short section in front of the Waterfront Bar and Grill.

Welch said there was confusion over mail and courier delivery and giving directions to their location.

‘‘Few know where Sinclair St is. Everyone believes it is Grove Rd.

‘‘It’s not a frivolous or asking for change for change sake. It’s practical, common sense continuity to avoid confusion.’’

Marlboroug­h Museum chief executive Steve Austin said people were only vaguely discontent­ed about confusion over the streets. ‘‘We are looking for councillor­s to unite people. Emphasis on this issue prior to the election creates descent when none exists.’’

Better signage was the key, Austin said.

 ?? PHOTO: DEREK FLYNN/FAIRFAX NZ ?? Marlboroug­h Museum chief executive Steve Austin is against changing Sinclair St’s name to Grove Rd.
PHOTO: DEREK FLYNN/FAIRFAX NZ Marlboroug­h Museum chief executive Steve Austin is against changing Sinclair St’s name to Grove Rd.

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