Marlborough Express

Fitzimons rejects waka jumping bill


supported it through its first reading but has expressed doubts about it since. It is understood the party’s negotiator­s were not aware of the bill being a part of the NZ First coalition agreement when they signed their agreement with Labour, but are obliged to support any Government legislatio­n they had not specifical­ly flagged opposition to.

Fitzsimons, who was part of the negotiatin­g team and co-led on the bill instead of voting against it.

Fitzsimons noted she had voted against similar bills four times before.

‘‘Integrity cannot be legislated for. It is a matter of conscience and judgment,’’ she said. ‘‘This bill offends the freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of associatio­n.’’

She said parties were only important as bureaucrat­ic structures giving effect to ‘‘coherent political philosophi­es’’.

‘‘A party is not what matters. What a party stands for is what matters,’’ Fitzsimons said. ‘‘If my party started voting for the death penalty or the invasion of foreign countries or a massive increase in the use of fossil fuels, I’d leave it, and might even start a new party.’’

National’s Nick Smith, who has led the charge against the bill, said the Government should withdraw it.

‘‘There was not a single submission that supported the Bill’s purpose to allow a party leader to dismiss an elected constituen­cy MP, and only two supporting the provision for list MPS,’’ Smith said.

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