Marlborough Express

Sync deals secret to keeping songwriter’s dreams alive


After each concert, he takes his guitar and sings on the street outside the venue.

There, hordes of screaming and crying fans have gifted him ‘‘paintings, chocolates, letters’’ and more.

‘‘I am quite an anxious performer.

‘‘I have always been the guy who loves writing and recording the songs but when it came to the live performanc­e side, I did it, but it was always really stressful, I put so much pressure on myself. ‘‘I didn’t really get it,’’ he said.

‘‘After more than two years away from live shows I did miss it all.

‘‘This time around, I am so grateful and really appreciati­ng everything.

‘‘On the American tour I have been taking my in-ear monitors out, so I can hear the crowd more.

‘‘I want to be in the moment. To hear people singing back, it sounds cliched, but it is the greatest feeling in the world.’’

As a songwriter, Lewis is known for his vulnerable, soul-searching lyrics. Sometimes, he said, it was ‘‘nerve-racking’’ to release a song that is personal to him, never mind sing it in front of thousands.

After Half A Man was performed by a contestant on X Factor in Denmark recently, the track flew to the top of the Danish charts.

‘‘Half A Man is very personal to me. I had been scared of releasing that. Before the tour I was thinking: how do I sing to people, this song is so vulnerable, how can I do it?

‘‘But I did it and people were crying in the front row, they were so in it. That is the real connection.

‘‘Now that is what I am looking for, being so vulnerable because that is how you connect with people, especially live.’’

By the time he tours New Zealand, Lewis will have more songs to choose from as his second album is scheduled for release in September.

As well as songs about love and relationsh­ips, there is a special song for his dad who had cancer.

‘‘I do like to write about relationsh­ips but I always try to write about something deeper,’’ he said.

‘‘There are some songs about death on this album but also songs about love and happiness.

‘‘You have your whole life to write your first album but usually only get six months to do your second. I have had more than two years off to write it. I tried to go even more with what my little niche is in the world.’’

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