Matamata Chronicle

Intersecti­on debate leads to roundabout

Last week we asked these questions on the Chronicle Facebook page: Do you think the intersecti­on at Firth Street and Farmers Road is dangerous? Have you ever had a near miss? Would the installati­on of lights or a roundabout make an improvemen­t?


change. And since the new giveway rules have been in place, the screech of brakes each day has increased. I don’t think a roundabout would be the most effective way to deal with the traffic, especially during school hours. Lights would be more effective. But either way, the crossing needs to be moved away from the corner.

– Sounds like a simple lack of driver education and people looking for the quick easy solution at the expense of the tax/rate payer’s pocket. How many years has it been that way and now it’s an issue?

– ‘‘Dutch’’ roundabout be good but there would have to be significan­t changes to be able to make it fit.

– Um yes lived down Farmers Rd years ago for years. I think every one of my family members has been in a wreck right there.

– Bugger it, put a fly-over in, haha.

– For a start the pedestrian crossing needs to be shifted back further and not be so close to the intersecti­on. Yes a roundabout could be a good solution. – Roundabout.

– I think the pedestrian crossing there is stupid. When you finally get a chance to get across the road clearly, a pile of college kids amble slowly over.

– Yep, was just going to mention the pedestrian crossing, the one on Farmers Rd is too close, I know a few times I’ve waited to turn into Farmers Rd, and finally get around, and am forced into a quick stop by kids who pop out behind a car.

– A good understand­ing of the road code and a bit of patience is all that’s needed. Not thousands of dollars on a roundabout. But the pedestrian crossing definitely needs to be moved.

– I agree, understand the road rules – ‘‘stop’’ trumps ‘‘give way’’ whatever the give-way vehicle is doing. Also I think the pedestrian crossing on Farmers Rd is far too close to the intersecti­on.

– How about the pedestrian crossing by headstones on Broadway – needs to be moved as well as Farmers Rd?!

– Roundabout all

the way!

– I hate that intersecti­on and avoid it at all costs, especially turning right coming out of Farmers or right coming out of Firth or going straight through when it’s busy. Most times I’ve been stuck there, all the other drivers seem to have the same dumb look on their faces as me as to who’s allowed to go when. College start and finish times are a nightmare too. A roundabout would solve so many problems and no-one would have to sit there scratching their heads about the road code either.

– Round-


– This was discussed more than 30 years ago too! Nothing ever really got done. There was talk of taking some of the land from that house on the corner to help redesign the intersecti­on.

– It’s been brought up before. We used to live on Farmers Road and it can be a headache. I avoid that intersecti­on, because some people don’t look at the road signs and realise there is a stop sign coming from Farmers Rd. One day a car in front of me was turning right using the give-way sign and the car using the stop sign starts coming across the road. They slam on their brakes and reverse back on to Farmers Rd. When it was clear I pulled out turning right, using the give-way sign and they start coming towards me. I had to stop, they stopped and I gave her the hand signal to reverse. She was mouthing something, but twice in a row lady, hopefully she learnt how to read road signs.

– When I was in high school I nearly got hit by a car on the pedestrian crossing and had to quickly grab my mate. I think a roundabout would work.

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