Matamata Chronicle

Tourism a major economy driver


This is my first column for 2015 so I’ll take the opportunit­y to wish you all the best for the New Year.

You may be taking time out to spend time with family, whether at home or holidaying out of town. Or you may be back at work.

For many businesses this can be a busy time of the year. This is especially true for those that rely on tourism.

Whether it’s backpacker­s, Kiwi families staying at local holiday parks, or people enjoying our luxury resorts, tourists are spending money and boosting our regional economy.

The draw of New Zealand’s unique natural features is backed up by the figures. More than twice as many people go walking or trekking than visit museums and galleries, and more people go dolphin watching than bungy jumping.

In the Waikato, internatio­nal tourists spent $210 million and domestic tourists spent $800 million in the year ending March 31, 2014.

Tourism is a significan­t part of our economy – it is our second biggest export earner, and it is a major employer.

The Government recognises this, and that’s why we have invested an unpreceden­ted $600 million in tourism promotion since 2008.

This investment is paying off. Some 2.8 million people visited New Zealand during the past year, spending over $7 billion.

Tourism directly employs 4.7 per cent of the New Zealand workforce and indirectly employs another 3.6 per cent.

And New Zealand was voted the top country in the 2014 Telegraph Travel Awards, for the third year in a row.

With 97 per cent of internatio­nal visitors saying they would be very or quite likely to recommend New Zealand, it’s easy to see why.

The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies continue to be hugely important in promoting what’s on offer in our country, with 13 per cent of all internatio­nal visitors surveyed in the year to June saying The Hobbit was a factor in their visit. These thirsty Middle Earth adventurer­s downed 50,000 litres of special Hobbit brew in Hobbiton, Matamata.

Tourism is a substantia­l and dynamic industry sitting at the forefront of our economy.

Its performanc­e affects the wellbeing of all New Zealanders.

A strong tourism brand enhances New Zealand’s profile and benefits other exporters.

The National-led Government will continue to invest across a wide range of areas in tourism to build both our infrastruc­ture and expand our marketing reach.

 ??  ?? Waikato MP Lindsay Tisch
Waikato MP Lindsay Tisch

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