Matamata Chronicle

Police kept busy with underage drinkers


One girl was seriously injured after a party at the Memorial Hall in Matamata became out of control.

Police responded to the party on Saturday night, October 22.

Matamata Police prevention officer Aimee Searle says numerous underage people were drinking and fights erupted. One girl was seriously injured when glass from a smashed bottle injured her eyes.

‘‘The increasing amount of anti-social behaviour coming from these types of events is concerning to police and other members of the public,’’ says Searle.

‘‘Any parties need to be suitably supervised and police kept in the loop to prevent this type of thing happening again.’’

Residentia­l burglaries are also keeping police busy.

Warmer temperatur­es at night means people are leaving their windows open, which gives easy access to thieves.

Matamata Police are encouragin­g people to think of safety over comfort.

Nine burglaries were reported to police in one week, and while this is an average amount it is still reason to be cautious and keep property and homes secured.

‘‘We need to encourage people to keep windows and doors locked even though it is tempting to leave them open now that the weather is getting warmer,’’ says Searle.

Any trailers left in the front yard or roadside are also at risk of being stolen.

‘‘They are sought after by thieves and being taken both rurally and residentia­lly.’’

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