MiNDFOOD (New Zealand)




1. Morally shock 6. Adopts (identity) 10. Grossly offensive 15. Gambles 18. Blowing

19. Infertile 20. Advancemen­t 22. Lissom

23. Sloped letters 24. Horned African animals 25. Nuptial vow (1,2) 26. Pure

28. Choose (MP)

30. In itself, ... se

31. Hips to ribs region 32. Profoundly wise 33. Ocean phase 34. Supply

35. ... of Capri

37. Wanes

39. Neither 40. Assistant

42. Young woman 45. Attached items 48. Ready, willing & ... 49. Chopped 50. California’s Los ... 53. Born as 54. Embraces 56. Questioned

59. Sound

61. Flower, sweet ... 62. Pearl-like cereal 63. Fishpond carp

64. Sat nav system (1,1,1) 65. Orderly

66. US espionage body (1,1,1) 68. Priceless

69. Play truant 70. Dancer

71. Not loud enough 72. Misfortune 73. Pushing forcibly 74. Feather scarf 76. Entrap 78. Throatier 80. Penetrate (3,2) 81. Celestial illuminati­on 84. Arrive at (destinatio­n) 85. Autocrat

87. Sordid

89. Extinct bird 92. Caribbean natives 94. Cater for

96. Merci (5,3)

97. Lamp fuel

98. Legal summons 100. Musically

101. Shoots with taser 104. Pinafores

105. Bawdy

107. Sum up 108. Squanders 112. Expunge 113. Earthenwar­e

115. Split second 117. Decimal number 118. Below average

120. ... presto! 121. Blame-taker 123. Immunise

125. Little

126. Made lawful 127. Genetic code carrier (1,1,1) 129. Crazy

130. Equal footing

131. Butt

133. Kids

134. Keyboard key

136. Herbs, bouquet ... 137. Southern US drawl 140. City, the big ... 141. Unduly

142. On the other hand 146. Drug addict

147. Erode 148. Eight-sided figure 152. Valley

154. Hard workers, busy ... 155. Mayday signal (1,1,1) 156. Noble rank 157. Debutantes 159. Poisonous tree-snake 160. Verdant 162. Undercooke­d (steak) 164. Lodge deeply

165. Must, ... to

167. Salvers

169. World’s largest democracy 171. Expected landing time (1,1,1) 173. Movement

174. Justify

175. Treatises

177. Fe metal 178. Sidesteppe­d 179. Sucking power 180. Walrus ivory

181. Metric lengths 182. Classified

183. Isolates


1. Tearful gasps 2. Represente­d in court, ... for 3. Desire for food 4. Disease-ridden 5. Exclusive

6. Heart pain 7. Brutality 8. Courtroom arbiter 9. Figured (out) 10. Unhealthil­y fat

11. XIII

12. Slit

13. Of sheep

14. Seeks damages from 16. Wicked aspects

17. Lost speed, ... down 20. Wavelet

21. Types

27. Guns down 29. Prominent member (7,5) 35. Sardonic 36. Hobbling

38. Recoil

41. Actress, Geena ... 43. Pronto (1,1,1,1) 44. Suddenly rose, ... up 46. Train accident 47. Wastrels (2-6)

51. Small bombs 52. Blackberry/raspberry hybrid

55. Kill (2,2)

56. Vienna is there

57. Joins closely 58. Trading (in)

60. Ajar

67. Helped (criminal) 69. Internet document (3,4) 72. Conducted (war) 75. Greenfly 77. Disgruntle­ment 79. Sensitivit­ies to substances 82. Magazine subscriber­s 83. Count in

86. Respite from combat (1,3,1) 88. Mystified, all ... (2,3) 90. Rowing blade

91. Over the top (1,1,1) 92. Project

93. Loft (ball) heavenward­s 94. Turkish hat 95. Clairvoyan­ce (1,1,1) 98. Naughtiest 99. Infuriate 102. Humiliated 103. Off-colour

104. Sighting

106. Taking away (from) 108. Unaccounta­bly 109. Barely exist 110. Deadening

111. Star of stage & ... (6,6) 114. Dutch govt centre (3,5) 116. Decisive trial (4,4) 119. Seance board

122. Actor, ... Rickman 124. Eve’s mate

125. Hoed

128. Handsome youth 130. Non-verse

132. Travel by car 135. Monk’s hooded cloak 138. Prayed

139. Current affairs announcer 141. Voice modulation 143. Restricts (4,2) 144. Meditate 145. Slaughterh­ouse 149. Becoming fine (of weather) 150. Atmosphere 151. Strangest

153. Loathe

158. Donkey calls 161. Familiar with (4,2) 163. Removed soap from 166. Circular coral reef 168. Ethiopia’s capital, ... Ababa 170. Shipyards

172. Gibe

173. Stones singer, ... Jagger 176. Snow-runners

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