Nelson Mail

EU could send troops to Libya

- Reuters

European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini wants the EU to consider sending soldiers to Libya to back up a potential national unity government, but the plan has been met with scepticism from EU government­s worried about the risks.

EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Tuesday will discuss whether to authorise Mogherini to draw up proposals for a possible mission to Libya in the event United Nationsbro­kered talks to resolve a political crisis there bear fruit.

Libya has descended into chaos, with two rival government­s and armed factions battling for power and oil wealth.

Mogherini has floated the idea of the EU sending a team to Libya to monitor a ceasefire or to protect airports and other infrastruc­ture, if the talks led by UN envoy Bernardino Leon succeed.

EU diplomats said Mogherini’s plans would entail sending some European soldiers to Libya, where Islamic State militants have establishe­d a presence.

Diplomats from several EU member states said they were wary about being rushed into a decision.

‘‘We’d like to see an agreement first . . . and we’d like to see the detail of an ask from the UN before we start committing ourselves politicall­y to planning operations which would be risky and which would bring us into an extraordin­arily volatile country,’’ said one diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Italy, Mogherini’s home country, and France want the EU to act to stop the chaos in Libya.

Italy is struggling to cope with a wave of migrants, many of whom set off from Libya to cross the Mediterran­ean Sea in rickety boats.

Any EU mission would require both a request from Libya and a mandate from the UN Security Council.

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