Nelson Mail

Retailer charged over toys, nightwear


A toy trumpet, magnetic letters, and children’s sleeping pants are among 10 products sold by budget retailer 123 Mart that have been labelled unsafe by the Commerce Commission.

But the 59-store company, which has also been charged over poor labelling of clothing products, has denied the 28 charges filed against it.

The consumer watchdog said yesterday it had charged The 123 Mart over the safety standard of children’s toys and nightwear.

It alleged some toys did not meet mandatory safety standards and posed a choking hazard, while four items of clothing, including a beanie and a raincoat, are alleged to breach informatio­n standards.

Children’s sleeping pants sold by the company are also said to not have proper fire danger labels.

The chain has pleaded not guilty to the charges, but has withdrawn most of the products from sale and would provide refunds.

Five of the nine toys have already had a public recall, and the other products would be recalled in the ‘‘ immediate future,’’ the commission said.

The clothes alleged to breach labelling standards were not being recalled.

The 123 Mart was opened in 1995 by Joseph Choi and operated under four different brands, including The 123 Mart, Dollar Store 123, King Dollar Store and Max!Out.

Its website said its stores in Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Wellington and Christchur­ch made sales worth $23 million last year.

A 123 Mart spokesman would not comment.

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