Nelson Mail

What’s the future for the iPhone?


For the iPhone’s 10th anniversar­y, Apple is planning to release new and upgraded models later this year, with updated designs, improved cameras and better screens.

But a more important product launch actually began in midMarch, when the company quietly reintroduc­ed the discontinu­ed, two-and-a-half-year-old iPhone 6 in several Asian countries and Eastern Europe.

That might sound dull. But for Apple, which is banking on the developing world for growth, it’s actually a far-sighted move.

The company is acknowledg­ing that smartphone­s have transition­ed from elite niche products into mature technologi­es, owned by everyone and upgraded infrequent­ly. And that means that boring reliabilit­y – not innovation – will define the iPhone’s future.

By now, most consumers know what they want from a smartphone (social media, text messaging, and so on). And better screens and cameras will only persuade so many to splurge on new models.

That’s especially true in emerging markets. In Kenya, users cite social media as the primary reason for upgrading from a feature phone, and used smartphone­s – which go for as little as $40 – work just fine for accessing Facebook. True, the cheaper phones won’t look as good. But they do everything that late smartphone adopters want, and that’s good enough.

‘‘Good enough’’ doesn’t sound great for Apple and other phone makers, which prosper off the relentless upgrade cycle.

But many well-known products have followed the same path, from ground-breaking innovation to reliable, profitable, ‘‘good enough’’ staples.

Perhaps the product that most closely approximat­es the iPhone’s future is the venerable Selectric typewriter, from Internatio­nal Business Machines. When IBM introduced the device in 1961, electric typewriter­s had already been around for decades. But the Selectric upended the business by enabling faster typing and the changing of fonts, thereby boosting productivi­ty worldwide.

Sales exceeded forecasts from day one, and eventually the Selectric captured as much as 75 per cent of the US typewriter market, as millions of office managers recognised that it provided exactly what they needed.

But a device so perfectly suited to its customers’ demands didn’t need much in the way of upgrades.

Its decades-long success also helped finance other innovation­s at IBM, notably the personal computer.

In principle, the iPhone is becoming something similar: a tried-and-true model that simply matches customer needs.

In Malaysia, where I live, one authorised reseller is promoting the iPhone 6 with a big red sign that promises ‘‘Amazing Phone, Amazing Price,’’ with no reference to the model name or vintage. A clerk told me that the phone is selling well, especially to younger customers who can’t afford a newer model but appreciate the iPhone’s reliabilit­y compared to most Android phones.

Although not flashy, this approach should remain profitable for Apple for some time, and help pay the bills as it transition­s to the next big thing.

It may sting Apple’s executives to learn that their iconic invention is evolving into the digital era’s equivalent of a typewriter or washing machine. But in recent years, Apple has pushed hard to expand its services and content business, and more iPhones – no matter how old – help meet that goal.

If marketed well, the durability of the company’s older, duller phones could become an asset.

Meanwhile, if Apple wants to maintain its reputation as an innovator, it should acknowledg­e the iPhone as the mature product it has become, and redirect its vaunted creative energy to something new. – Bloomberg

 ??  ?? The success of IBM’s Selectric typewriter helped finance other innovation­s at the company, notably the personal computer.
The success of IBM’s Selectric typewriter helped finance other innovation­s at the company, notably the personal computer.

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