Nelson Mail

The proof is in the pizza dough


Ihave a love affair with sourdough – bread, cakes, pastry, crumpets and, today, pizza dough. My sourdough starter is like my third child, it even comes on holiday with us – seriously, it does.

Please don’t be put off by the overnight factor for this pizza base. Yes, it does necessitat­e planning ahead but the actual hands-on time is minimal. And the slow rise equals loads more flavour compared to pizza dough risen in an hour.

If you haven’t got a sourdough starter on hand (it is relatively easy to make from scratch in four to five days), this pizza base can easily be made with baker’s yeast. I have included a variation in the recipe.

This dough is mostly no-knead, letting time do the work, utilising a slow rise in the fridge for a longer period of time. The result is a pleasingly chewy crumb and a crispy thin crust. The other notable difference is the flavour. FOOD

A sourdough starter is a combinatio­n of wild yeasts to give rise, and bacteria for taste. The bacteria kicks in about 12 hours into the rise, so without using the fridge to slow the rise it is tricky to make the most of the delicious goodness these microbes can bring to the dough. If using the yeast option, the addition of natural yoghurt provides the bacteria to deliver the flavour, which is difficult to replicate using yeast alone.

Recently I have been enjoying experiment­ing with Pizza Blanc, or white pizza. The base is spread with a white sauce rather than ubiquitous tomato puree.

To make blanc sauce I combine the pizza base cooks too fast. Alternativ­ely use the oven set to 240C with a pizza stone on the bottom shelf.

Prepare chosen toppings. Once the barbecue or oven is hot, tip the dough on to a floured bench and divide in half. Roll one half out into the shape of the hot plate or pizza stone, about 5mm thick.

Slide on to a well-floured pizza peel (or a cookie tray works well) and quickly spread with blanc sauce (see above), toppings and grated cheese. Immediatel­y transfer to the hot barbecue or oven.

Cook for 12-15 minutes until the cheese is bubbly and the pizza base golden. Repeat with the remaining dough.

Serve immediatel­y, cut into squares or wedges.

Tip – try using long-bladed kitchen scissors to cut pizza, it works a treat! For more of Nicola’s recipes, visit

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