Nelson Mail




1. In discretion, one has an unspoken sort of agreement (5)

4. One on form as a senior member of an inn of court (7)

8. I claim attire’s wrong: not enough spirituali­ty (13)

10. It will follow the use ‘en’ is put to (5)

11. Mary played around with the host (4)

12. Case for sewing-things in home tuition (4)

16. Is too big to be in ‘er stockings! (5)

17. What port is nation’s to be in change of order? (13)

19. Form of service US soldier is truly upset by (7)

20. Do yet be put out by the way one played with it (5)


1. Sort of paint, in the mind, what a prima donna may be (13)

2. Northeast trading boat that purrs along? (3) 3. Designated metre Donne first used (6) 4. Harsh-sounding way to get money at start of year (6) 5. Are pinned down, like toes? (6)

6. African tribesman, when very warm, has tent to put up (9)

7. In reed, state is seen to have been repaired and refitted (13)

9. One in action a tomb can’t be made for (9)

13. The rods we supply he can use to divine (6)

14. It could be more my computer store (6)

15. Show how dip, etc, can be upset (6)

18. After four, yew starts as an evergreen (3)


Across: 2. Climb 5. Obey 7. Emit 8. Needless 9. Advanced

11. Wide 12. Schizophre­nic 15. Ages 17. Stocking

19. Cultural 21. Bail 22. Clip 23. Elder

Down: 1. Nomadic 2. Cut 3. Ionic 4. Breadth 5. Owl 6. Eased

10. Amiss 11. Wreak 13. Observe 14. Inn sign 16. Gruel

18. Oiled 20. Tap 21. Bar

 ??  ??

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