Nelson Mail




7. Agreeable way to be, to cope with man out on bail (13)

8. Bottle miner might have used as a mixer (6,5)

12. Statement of grievance one put in the factory (6)

14. Moon is getting less pale, having halved (6)

16. Followed one that’s caudate… (6)

18. … or is following the rear (6)

19. Quick of mind, as one telling ten off (11)

23. The highest happiness even the shaven could achieve (7,6)


1. Custom-built part for a sarcophagu­s (4)

2. The precise location of a pimple (4)

3. Think of a new idea, and make it up (6)

4. The sort of laugh a dimple shows? (6)

5. Gilead’s fragrant substance (4)

6. A scheme for an architect’s drawing (4)

9. Language is in a tail-twisting form (7)

10. There is a view of the circle on the wing (7)

11. How old French artist wasn’t quite taken up (4)

12. The way to get a bit of sympathy (4)

13. It shows maiden name will require shortening (3)

15. Ruthlessly cut three-quarters of 21 up (3)

17. Water it down with the lute I’d made up (6)

18. Plant disease makes top of bloom come down (6)

19. It occurs to one it’s not quite perfect (4)

20. A branching stand one is mad to be out of (4)

21. First master to follow up 15 in test at school (4)

22. Hiker turns up, having got round long journey on foot (4)

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