Nelson Mail

Abuse victims want meeting with pope


Survivors of sex abuse by Catholic clergy have demanded transparen­cy, zero tolerance for abuse, and accountabi­lity for religious superiors who cover up for rapists, setting a confrontat­ional tone on the eve of Pope Francis’s high-stakes abuse prevention summit.

The victims also demanded to meet with Francis, but had to settle instead for a meeting with members of the organising committee for the four-day summit, which starts today.

The gathering of church leaders from around the globe is taking place amid intense scrutiny of the Catholic Church’s record after new allegation­s of abuse and cover-ups last year sparked a credibilit­y crisis for the hierarchy.

Phil Saviano, an American who played a crucial role in exposing clergy abuse in the United States decades ago, said he told the summit organisers to release the names of abusive priests worldwide, along with their case files.

‘‘Do it to launch a new era of transparen­cy. Do it to break the code of silence. Do it out of respect for the victims of these men, and do it to help prevent these creeps from abusing any more children.’’

More than 30 years after the scandal first erupted in Ireland and Australia, and 20 years after it hit the US, bishops and superiors in many parts of Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia either deny that clergy sex abuse exists in their regions or downplay the problem.

Francis, the first Latin American pope, has made many of the same mistakes. As archbishop in Buenos Aires, he went out of his way to defend a famous street priest who was later convicted of abuse. He also took a handful of measures early on in his papacy that undermined progress the Vatican had made in taking a hard line against rapists.

He finally did an about-face after botching a well-known sex abuse coverup case in Chile last year. He has vowed to chart a new course, and is bringing the rest of the church leadership along with him.

About 190 leaders of bishops’ conference­s, religious orders and Vatican offices are gathering for four days of lectures and workshops on preventing sex abuse in their churches, tending to victims, and investigat­ing the crimes when they occur.

‘‘I think that the time for words is long, long past,’’ said Archbishop Mark Benedict Coleridge, of Brisbane, who will deliver the homily at the summit’s final Mass on Monday. ‘‘We are dealing with a global emergency . . . that requires a global response.’’

Organisers say the meeting marks a turning point in the way the church has dealt with the problem, with Francis’s own acknowledg­ment of his mistakes in handling the Chile abuse case a key point of departure.

But Jamaican survivor Denise Buchanan, who attended yesterday’s meeting, demanded to know why the Vatican wasn’t implementi­ng zero tolerance policies on sex abuse across the board.

Francis did meet with a victim yesterday, apparently on the sidelines of his general audience, holding and then kissing the hand of Polish survivor Marek Lisinski, who heads Poland’s Have No Fear foundation.

 ?? AP ?? Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) president Tim Lennon, from Arizona, and SNAP members Esther Hatfield Miller, from California, left, and Carol Midboe, from Texas, protest in St Peter’s Square at the Vatican yesterday.
AP Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) president Tim Lennon, from Arizona, and SNAP members Esther Hatfield Miller, from California, left, and Carol Midboe, from Texas, protest in St Peter’s Square at the Vatican yesterday.

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