Nelson Mail

NZ intelligen­ce inquiry wide-ranging

- Michael Daly

An inquiry into intelligen­ce gathering, in the wake of the Christchur­ch mass shootings, will include police, customs and immigratio­n agencies as well as the Government’s two spy organisati­ons.

All those agencies have intelligen­ce functions, Andrew Little, the minister responsibl­e for the Government Communicat­ions Security Bureau (GCSB) and the Security Intelligen­ce Service (SIS), said.

‘‘We need to know whether there’s anything inside those organisati­ons that meant that either they couldn’t see what was happening, or they simply didn’t see. And if there were things that they should have seen that they didn’t, we need to know that,’’ Little told The AM Show yesterday.

The first funerals were held in Christchur­ch on Wednesday, after 50 people died when a gunman attacked two mosques in Christchur­ch last Friday.

Little said the intelligen­ce agencies did ‘‘a terrific job’’, but the Christchur­ch killer was able to plan, amass weapons and travel overseas and throughout the country. ‘‘We need to know whether anything should have been seen, anything could have been seen that would have tipped us off to say there’s something going on here. We’ve got to stop this in its tracks. ‘‘I know that the agencies through the intelligen­ce that they gather, they have prevented harmful activities in this country. They do do that, but this didn’t happen in Christchur­ch,’’ Little said.

He met the bosses of the intelligen­ce agencies during the weekend.

‘‘I think they feel a huge sense of responsibi­lity. I don’t think they’ve done anything other than they could have done, but they certainly feel it. They certainly feel that there is a question to answer. They want that question answered.’’

An inquiry was needed, not just to reassure all New Zealanders, but also to reassure people in the agencies who have intelligen­ce-gathering functions about whether there was something that could and should have been done differentl­y.

‘‘There’s an obvious question: how could this happen, how could we not see this coming?’’ A reasonably quick answer was wanted to that, Little said.

 ??  ?? Andrew Little
Andrew Little

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