Nelson Mail

Ma¯ori ward not advised for Nelson

- Tim Newman

The anticipati­on of a public backlash has resulted in the Nelson City Council being advised against setting up a Ma¯ori ward for the upcoming 2022 and 2025 local government elections.

Considerat­ion of a Ma¯ori ward is on the agenda for a full meeting of council tomorrow.

The council staff recommenda­tion against a Ma¯ori ward came after consultati­on with iwi at an Iwi-Council Partnershi­p Group meeting in June this year.

The report stated that while Ma¯ori representa­tion ( mainly through externally appointed committee members) was fully supported, Ma¯ori wards were not supported by iwi.

This was primarily due to the ‘‘high level of negative response’’ from the community in 2011 and 2012, when a public ballot voted down a decision by council to set up a ward in time for the 2013 local government elections.

Under the current rules if a resolution for a ward is passed, the public can demand a poll to counterman­d it (if 5 per cent of electors call for it).

In the 2012 ballot, 15,638 votes were received, with 79 per cent voting against the proposal and 20 per cent voting for it.

Ma¯ori ward representa­tion is set up on a proportion­al basis, comparing the Maori electoral population (3057) with the general electoral population (47,823).

If establishe­d in Nelson, this would mean there would be one Ma¯ori ward member on council.

According to the report, iwi recommende­d council increase Ma¯ori participat­ion in the decision-making process through other mechanisms. Currently Ma¯ori have input through representa­tion (from iwi or an external representa­tive) on the Nelson Regional Sewage Business Unit, Nelson Tasman Regional Landfill Business unit, and the Environmen­t Committee. Another group provides cultural leadership.

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