New Zealand Listener

10 Quick Questions


1. True or false? It’s illegal to own a pet rabbit in Queensland unless you’re a magician.

❑ True

❑ False

2. Which band released the 1979 hit I Don’t Like Mondays?

❑ The Boomtown Rats

❑ The Clash

❑ New Order

❑ Depeche Mode

3. Which leader was also known as Temujin?

❑ Mao Zedong

❑ Timur

❑ Kim Il-sung

❑ Genghis Khan

4. True or false? Consumer antibacter­ial soaps are more effective at preventing disease than plain soaps.

❑ True

❑ False

5. What is the third-largest feline species, after lions and tigers?

❑ Cougar

❑ Jaguar

❑ Cheetah

❑ Leopard

6. Which novel features the revenge-seeking character Inigo Montoya? ❑ Slaughterh­ouse-Five

❑ The Princess Bride

❑ The Count of Monte Cristo ❑ True Grit

7. Which bird species was once reduced to a single fertile female, nicknamed Old Blue?

❑ Black robin

❑ Takahe

❑ Fairy tern

❑ Black stilt

8. The TV show Mork & Mindy was a spin-off from which series?

❑ Happy Days

❑ Cheers

❑ Family Ties

❑ Laverne & Shirley

9. In which country is it considered a cultural faux pas for men to wear green hats? ❑ Greenland

❑ Brazil

❑ Jamaica

❑ China

10. Who coined the word “truthiness”, in its modern form?

❑ John Oliver

❑ Stephen Colbert

❑ Conan O’Brien

❑ Kellyanne Conway

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