New Zealand Listener

Quips& Quotes


“Last week, Sean Spicer resigned as White House press secretary. He wanted to spend more time not answering his family’s questions.” -- US talk-show host Stephen Colbert

“When I came into Australia, the customs officer asked me if I had a criminal record. And I said, ‘Mate, I didn’t know I still needed one to get in.” – Karl Urban

“Growing old is like being increasing­ly penalised for a crime you haven’t committed.” – Anthony Powell, quoted in the Week

“There is nothing so fretting and vexatious, nothing so justly terrible to tyrants and their tools and abettors, as a free press.” – Samuel Adams, quoted in the New York Times

“Is it progress if a cannibal uses a knife and fork?” – Stanisław Lec, quoted in the Times

“It’s like being drilled in the side of the head all day long; like a glass bottle full of nails shaking in your ears.” – Taika Waititi on the Australian accent

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”

– John Adams, second US president

“Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.” – Mick Jagger

“Ko te kai a te rangatira ke korero – the food of chiefs is dialogue.” – quoted from Mauri Ora: Wisdom from the Maori World

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