New Zealand Listener

Quips& Quotes


“It’s a privilege for any mother to be able to propose a toast to her son on his 70th birthday. It means that you have lived long enough to see your child grow up.” – Queen Elizabeth to Charles, Prince of Wales

“Life is just making it from one cup of tea to the next.” – Twitter account Very British Problems

“Donald Trump is a wellknown stickler for fire safety, because with all the hair spray, he’s easily the most flammable president in US history.” – The Late Show’s Stephen Colbert

“Only 5 Brexit secretarie­s till Christmas.” – Brendon Hope on Twitter

“When you look up at the night sky full of twinkling stars, it can feel like our loved ones are winking back at us saying, ‘We’re watching over you and you’re doing just fine.’ They might also be saying, ‘Oh man, what’s up with that outfit?!’” – Sheryl Sandberg card

“We were just two tired ladies oppressed by our shoes.” – Michelle Obama on speaking to Queen Elizabeth

“It turns out, though, the whole thing was a big misunderst­anding. When someone told Trump, ‘It’s stormy outside,’ he said, ‘I already paid her. What more does she want?’” – US comedian Jimmy Fallon on why Trump reneged on Armistice Day commemorat­ions

“Never let negative talk about your looks hold you back.” – journalist Patrick Gower

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