New Zealand Listener

Key proposals

The Law Commission’s “preferred approach” to a new Relationsh­ip Property Act includes proposals to:


Make children’s best interests the primary considerat­ion in relationsh­ip property splits.

Give courts the power to set relationsh­ip property aside for the benefit of dependent children.

Favour granting occupation or tenancy orders to the primary caregiver.

Postpone the vesting of relationsh­ip property if doing so immediatel­y would cause undue hardship for any minor or dependent child.

Make it easier for lawyers to represent children in legal proceeding­s.

Entitle separating couples to share future family income through a Family Income Sharing Arrangemen­t (Fisa), which replaces existing maintenanc­e and economic disparity provisions. Couples would be entitled to Fisa if they have a child together, have been together 10 or more years, or one partner reduced or didn’t take on paid work to make contributi­ons to the relationsh­ip (e.g. by raising children as the stay-athome parent).

Treat property acquired by one partner before the relationsh­ip began, or inherited during it, as separate, and not to be divided equally. The other partner should be entitled to only half the increase in value of the property during the relationsh­ip.

Enable courts to intervene in “contractin­g out” agreements – where couples agree not to be bound by the Property (Relationsh­ips) Act – in the best interests of the children, if the agreement causes serious injustice.

Enable courts to use property held in trust to settle relationsh­ip property claims when any claim or rights under the act are frustrated by the use of a trust. The Law Commission plans to present its final report by June 2019.

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