New Zealand Marketing

Outdoor programmat­ic:


In May this year, Val Morgan Outdoor launched the first outdoor programmat­ic ad in New Zealand.

This ad was sold on a CPM basis and ran until a certain number of eyeballs in a specific demographi­c target group passed the site.

This is achieved through the company’s DART system, which detects up to 18 demographi­c profiles as they walk past the ad in a mall.

This approach is obviously limited to malls and outdoor spaces with high foot traffic, but other outdoor companies are starting to invest in technology that can accurately tally the number of cars that pass a certain site. The tech can also identify car brands, making it plausible to target specific car owners with ads.

The outdoor industry is the most buoyant of all the channels, according to the latest SMI ad spend figures, giving the industry some extra cash to spend on innovation. The question is what will that cash buy in the coming years?

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