New Zealand Marketing



The big news for central region is a full-day Marketing Conference scheduled for 1 November in

Wellington. The developmen­t group is in the final stages of confirming an exciting range of topics and speakers on real-world marketing challenges and solutions, with a focus on evidence-led success. Please save the date – the full details and programme are available on

The engagement programme with VUW and Massey universiti­es is growing, with a range of activities to help marketing students prepare themselves for the workforce. We held an industry panel session on 11 September and we’re also kicking off an extracurri­cular workshop programme with the marketing faculty to help students with skills such as critical thinking. We’re keen to get MA Members along to give students an industry perspectiv­e on the skills they’ll need in the workplace.

The local Advisory Group is always keen to hear from existing and potential members about how the Marketing Associatio­n can better support you and your team. Please get in touch with us via for any area such as profession­al developmen­t, networking, events and advocacy. We’re always up for a chat over coffee - Andrew Pankhurst, FCIM chartered marketer, Central Regional Committee chair.

Big thanks to the Digital Committee for organising their first free networking event of the year: Digital Transforma­tion

– Are we there yet? Nearly 100 people packed into Degree Bar in Auckland Viaduct Harbour for this great panel session. It’s been buzzing at the MA’S office too – our semester two Certificat­es and short courses are well underway and it’s great to see so many members coming into the MA to mix and mingle. Check out the MA website for the full list of Auckland activities

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