New Zealand Surfing

Eating SH*T


Nothing displays the risks associated with surfing more than a heavy wipeout, the general public love them and the surf videos used to be full of epic wipeout sections. In recent times the good old wipeout has gone missing in action from surf media, so we thought we would bring it back in style. While a small wave wipeout can be ultra hilarious for ones mates and onlookers, a heavy or large wave take down leaves any audience gasping and questionin­g - how the hell do they survive that? Sometimes consequenc­es can be disastrous however more often than not the surfer in question simply pops up after the beating of their life and paddles back out, shakes it off and gets stuck into it again. We bring to you a small collection of beatings that we have gathered during our travels. Have a laugh or simply shake your head in awe!

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