New Zealand Woman’s Weekly



- Vivienne Archer

Farewell to Chuck Berry

He was the original showman, bringing a new kind of music – rock and roll – to the masses with his own fusion of rhythm, blues and on-stage swagger.

Chuck Berry, one of the last great rock and rollers, passed away on March 18, aged 90, leaving an incredible musical legacy. But his amazing career, which featured hits such as

Maybellene, Johnny B. Goode

and Roll Over Beethoven,

almost didn’t happen.

Born in Missouri in October 1926, Chuck was gifted with musical ability from the get-go. However, his brushes with the law and conviction for armed robbery led to a three-year stint in a reformator­y.

Upon his release in 1947, he made a living as a janitor, factory worker and hairdresse­r, as well as playing his music in clubs and bars at night, before joining Johnnie Johnson’s trio in 1953. Combining elements from blues and country, Chuck quickly developed his own style and was signed by the legendary Chess Records in 1955.

Maybellene was released soon after.

“It amazes me when I hear people say, ‘I want to go out and find out who I am,’” he said. “I always knew who I was. I was going to be famous if it killed me.”

However, legal problems were never too far away – he was convicted with transporti­ng a minor across state lines in 1962 and served a year-and-a-half in prison. He later served a further 100 days for tax evasion.

As the years went on, Chuck still gave concerts, touring Europe at the age of 82.

His influence in music is almost unparallel­ed, with legends Bruce Springstee­n, Sir Mick Jagger and Ringo Starr offering tributes.

Bruce wrote Chuck was “rock’s greatest practition­er, guitarist and the greatest pure rock’n’roll writer who ever lived”, while Mick expressed his sadness, saying, “I want to thank him for all the inspiratio­nal music he gave to us. He lit up our teenage years, and blew life into our dreams of being musicians and performers. His lyrics shone above others and threw a strange light on the American Dream. Chuck, you were amazing and your music is engraved inside us forever.”

Throughout everything, his constant remained his sweetheart, Themetta “Toddy” Suggs, whom Chuck married in October 1948. The couple had four children, Darlin (Ingrid), Aloha, Charles Jr and Melody.

His final album Chuck, which is due to be released this year, is dedicated to his wife.

“This record is dedicated to my beloved Toddy,” he said in a statement announcing the record. “My darlin’, I’m growing old! I’ve worked on this record for a long time. Now I can hang up my shoes!”

 ??  ?? Right: With daughter Ingrid in 1987. Below: On stage with Chuck Jr in 2011.
Right: With daughter Ingrid in 1987. Below: On stage with Chuck Jr in 2011.

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