New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

Avoid the post-party hangover with our good drinking guide.



Tis the season to be merry, but for some people, free-flowing booze at this time of the year results in them being drunk far too often. A steady stream of social occasions can lead to overindulg­ence that can be justified because after all, it is Christmas.

If you are worried about how much you are consuming, here are some tips to help you drink less this year...

Have a bottle of water on hand if you are going out and before you arrive at a social function, drink lots of water. It will leave you feeling full and less likely to overdo the alcohol.

For every alcoholic drink you have, make sure you have a glass of water or a soft drink. This will reduce the amount of alcohol you drink and stop you from getting too drunk.

Eat a meal before you go out to slow down the absorption of alcohol and don’t forget to eat during the evening.

There are apps that track how much you are drinking and alert you when it is time to stop. If you are serious about cutting down, these can be useful, but don’t forget, you have to be honest when it comes to recording how much you’ve knocked back.

Small is good. Ask for smaller glasses of wine, single shots instead of doubles or half pints if you are drinking beer.

Remember, drinking is not a competitio­n. If your friends are buying rounds, don’t feel like you have to keep up with them. It’s okay to sit out a round or two.

Tell a trusted person you are cutting down, and ask for their help staying on the straight and narrow. It’ll be easier if two of you are supporting each other.

Don’t hang out by the bar. If you’re at a function or party, it can be easier to drink more than you intend to if you are propping up the bar or standing nearby. Head for the other side of the room so you won’t be tempted to drink to excess.

Volunteer to be the sober driver. This will give you a great reason not to get carried away – if you are driving, you can’t drink anything!

Set yourself some rules and stick to them. Don’t drink at lunchtime or if you do, don’t drink that evening. Only drink with food. Don’t go out drinking on more than two nights a week. Having definite guidelines will make you less likely to slip up and overdo it.

Don’t get into the mindset that Christmas is a time to drink lots. Thinking this way can lead to you giving yourself permission to get carried away.

Where appropriat­e, get into the BYO habit. Take drinks with you that have a lower alcohol content so you can stay in control of how much you consume.

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 ??  ?? You’ll feel better the next day if you eat dinner before going out partying.
You’ll feel better the next day if you eat dinner before going out partying.
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