New Zealand Woman’s Weekly



This week, I read Donna Fleming’s health pages with great interest. You see, a few years back I was quite worried that perhaps I was just a bit weak and pathetic. I was exhausted all the time, sleeping away my spare time, constantly getting sick and, despite the fact I was only in my thirties, my body was creaking and aching like the body of someone closer to 100. I was a regular at the doctors, where they’d ask me what I did for a living, smile, then write me a prescripti­on for antibiotic­s and say, “Sounds like nothing to worry about.” Hence giving myself a tough time for far too long, thinking I just couldn’t hack it!

It wasn’t until I woke up one day and literally couldn’t feel half my body that I finally took charge of my health and visited doctor after doctor until I found one who agreed something certainly wasn’t right. It was actually a relief when a simple blood test confirmed I had the autoimmune disease Hashimoto’s thyroiditi­s.

Now I’m gradually getting on top of it with the help of some lifestyle and diet changes, medication – and, arguably the most important part − being a little kinder to myself.

I’m certainly not weak or pathetic, I’m just one of the many Kiwis out there dealing with an autoimmune illness. If you’re in the same boat, you’re certainly not alone and do feel free to drop me a line.

As always, I’d love to hear from you.

Enjoy your week!

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