New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

Madeleine Sami


Are you cooking the Christmas feast this year?

Ha! I don’t think I am. We’re having a big family one this year. I supervised last year and it was streeeeees­sssful! I did a big leg of lamb and we did turkey on the barbie. Fruit cake’s not for everyone. What are your thoughts – is there better Christmas baking? There’s only one Christmas cake I love and it was my grandma’s. She passed away but the recipe is in the family and we guard it with our lives. It’s not as dense as a traditiona­l cake and it can last in a tin in your cupboard for decades. Have you already bought your presents or will you be tearing around on Christmas Eve? We’re doing Secret Santa, which I love because it takes the stress out. In saying that, I probably will leave it to the last minute to get my Secret Santa because I’m useless and disorganis­ed.

What’s the best and worst present you ever received?

Best present was a pink American football when I was eight. I have no idea why I loved it so much. I don’t think I’ve had a bummer of a present. Maybe soaps? If someone buys you soap, it means they don’t love you. What’s your favourite childhood Christmas memory? Getting to open a present after going to midnight mass.

What’s the best thing about Christmas for you?

Hanging with the whanau.

Will you be making any

New Year’s resolution­s?

Yes. Do all the things. Have fun. Get abs.

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