New Zealand Woman’s Weekly




Sir Andy’s Dunblane heartbreak; Dakota throws shade; Ronan’s big baby news

It’s the tragedy that’s haunted Scottish tennis champion Sir Andy Murray for most of his life. However, the Wimbledon winner has always refused to talk about the events of the horrific day when a gunman opened fire in Dunblane Primary School, killing 16 children and one teacher.

Andy, then a young pupil at the school, is deeply scarred from the experience but has opened up for an upcoming documentar­y about his tennis comeback. He’s still so affected by the 1996 horror that he couldn’t talk into a camera, instead recording a message for director Olivia Cappuccini.

“You asked me a while ago why tennis was so important to me. Obviously, I had the thing that happened at Dunblane when I was around nine. I am sure for all the kids there it would be difficult for different reasons. The fact we knew the [killer], we went to his kids’ club, he had been in our car, we had driven and dropped him off at train stations and things,” he said through tears.

“Within 12 months of that happening, my parents got divorced. That was a difficult time. And then my brother moved away. We used to do everything together, so it was quite hard. For a year or so, I had lots of anxiety that came out when I was playing tennis. I would get really bad breathing problems.

“My feelings towards tennis are that it’s an escape for me in some ways. That’s why tennis is important to me.”

But those around him reckon Andy’s become a different guy since he married Kim Sears (31), now Lady Murray, and became a dad to Sophia (3), Edie (1) and newborn Teddy.

Says his father Will: “He’s more relaxed. I see a young man who looks happy with himself and happy in his life.”

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 ??  ?? Andy was at Dunblane Primary when a gunman entered the school, killing a teacher and 16 younger children.
Andy was at Dunblane Primary when a gunman entered the school, killing a teacher and 16 younger children.

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