North Harbour News



If your asparagus bed resembles a fernery, never fear! These tall, wispy ferns are formed from unpicked spears and their purpose is to provide the crowns in the soil below with energy (through photosynth­esis) for the following season’s spear production.

While the ferns are not particular­ly pretty, they have a vital function so don’t be tempted to cut them back until they have turned brown and dried off around mid winter. When it’s time, cut the ferns back at ground level and add to the compost.

This is also a great time to lay down thick mulch to help suppress weeds.

There’s no need to feed asparagus during winter – wait until it bursts back into action in spring, when the spears start emerging.

If you want to start an asparagus bed, now is the time to start building up the soil. Dig in

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